Thursday, November 24, 2011

If a transexual gets SRS but doesnt change their gender on their birth certificate?

Could they still marry their lesbian/gay lovers regardless of the state/country they live in?|||I think you're going to confuse people because lesbian/gay lover can be interpreted two different ways.

Based on identified gender OR based on gender as assigned at birth.

Assuming you're referring to the identified gender of both parties (not gender as assigned at birth):

No. Marriage is based on legal sex (birth certificate). Unless you get married in a state with marriage equality it's not going to happen. Well you might slip by, but it will be fraud in the eyes of the law.

And why on Earth wouldn't they change their birth certificate? I applied for a court order to change mine as soon as I got back from SRS.


For example a transsexual woman could marry another woman BEFORE she changed her birth certificate, but not after.

A transsexual woman could not marry a man until after her birth certificate had been changed. Because of how this question was written some might view them as being gay.


If you live in Spain I don't see a problem. Don't they have marriage equality?

Also, legal protections and laws are in flux right now. When the dust eventually settles you will be able to change your birth certificate. Europe is at the forefront of change and I know there are several cases pending in the European Court of Justice (or whatever it's called).|||Yes, as M2F lesbian transsexual if I has SRS but did not get my birth certificate changed I would still be legally male. So I could marry a woman and we would have a technically gay marriage. But I would not do that, I am a woman and I would not get married as a man.|||Yes.

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