Friday, December 2, 2011

How realistic does the genitalia look after SRS for FtM transsexuals?

I'm really wanting to get Sexual reassignment surgery when i can but i don't know if i should because of how it will look. does anyone know from personal experience to how it will look? or do you know someone? i need help. I need to know how realistic it looks.|||It looks like it's been lost in a car crash, suffered 2nd-degree burns and then re-attached. In other words, not realistic.

However, for some FTMs including myself, bottom surgery is medically necessary for mental health and well-being... not an elective procedure done out of vanity.|||Currently there are two surgical options for ftm's: the metoidioplasty and the phalloplasty. One gives you a functioning, but very tiny penis. The other gives you something that bears some vague semblance of an anatomically male penis. Neither surgery is great though, and a lot of ftm's never get bottom surgery and just use a prosthetic. Some don't use anything at all. Surgery isn't the only option. You don't need a penis to feel like a man. Really, there is so much more to feeling like a male gendered person than the genitalia that you have.|||Not very realistic. In terms of genital surgery, trans-women are far better off than trans-men.|||I take it the realism might differ based upon the doctor performing the surgery.|||According to post-op MTF's on here they have to tell doctors that they had SRS because it looks so real.|||I don't know, ask wikipedia perhaps.|||I recall the saying goes,"it's easier to dig a hole than build a pole."

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