Friday, December 2, 2011

What are the red keys on a Toshiba Laptop SRS True Surround XT 2006 model?

if I hit any of the keys that have a red letter when the capital key is used I get the red letter i.e. I cannot use greater and smaller. do you know how to get it off.

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Will my car pass state safety test if the srs light is on?

i live in utah and thats the only light that is on any clue?|||No it will not pass|||so i went to a car shop and they said as long as the air bag was there it will pass and it did!!

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|||if your air bag light has illuminated on the dashboard it may not pass the safety test, due to an unexpected air bag diploy ,, you need to remove the fault from the vehicles memory and have it reset.|||SRS is the airbag. So, it will definitely not pass the safety test. You should get it checked out asap.

Would a lesbian date me if I told her I planned to get SRS?

I feel the urge to start dating again ever since I found out I was transgendered I just stopped dating, besides all the straight girls in my class were just losers, users, and cheaters.|||LIke Chas Bono, your best bet is to find a nice bi-girl that loves you for your personality.

How many suicides have there ever been, srs answers only plz?

Millions.|||no one knows.

many suicides are given a different cause of death to save the family embarrassment

other times the fact that there was a suicide might not even be realized

on top of that, for most of history, there is no record remaining of individual death

I have a Rover 214, on all the windows and on the middleof the steering wheel there are the letters " SRS "

There is also a light on the dashboard that has appeared with the same letters, can anyone tell me what SRS means?, i would be eternally gratefull for the informaition.|||the light should come on when you first turn on your ignition for a few seconds. If its coming on randomly then there is a fault with your air bag control unit which is located under the back seat right in the middle easy to swap over but disconnect the battery or the airbags might go off|||yes it is the air bags, common fault on the Rover 214 the plug on the back of the steering wheel may need a wiggle and you will find the SRS light will go out

or you can take the car to be serviced

regards x kitti x|||yOUR AIRBAGS HAVE A PROBLEM (HOPE YOU ARE NOT FEMALE)|||Airbags are known as Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS).

If you have a light on the dashboard with that illuminated, then you need to get that fixed by a dealer.|||SRS is an acronym for "Supplemental Restraint System" which is a term used for airbags.|||Security Rubbish Safeguard|||I think it means secondary restraint system i.e. airbags.|||you have a failing air bag car needs service|||SRS means "Supplementary Restraint System (SRS),"

I would get it checked out in case it fails to operate in the event of an accident, hope this info helps good luck.|||srs means supplimentry restriant system. in other words the air bag. most airbags are set off with a small explosion. i believe the letters on the window are a warning to rescue services that there is an explosive device inside the car.|||misskitty7 gave the best answer...sits back in shock this from a girl

Is the srs light in my del sol for the airbags?

never really understood what it is for. i've had it since 93 and never used it.|||SRS - unlike somedy had suggested - stands for Supplemental (not safety) Restraint System, and yes, it is air bags and related components. The most common SRS problem is malfunction of one of the G sensors. You need to read the code to verify exactly what happened, and it may be somewhat tricky unless you have a high-end scanner capable of cummunicating with the system. It is, however, possible to read codes without it but you will need a professional manual.|||"Safety Restraint System" (SRS)? If it's the airbag warning lamp, it shouldn't come on unless there's a fault in your safety restraint system which means your airbag may not deploy in an accident as designed.

If I got a full SRS and became a woman and then moved to Saudia Arabia would I be able to drive?

or would I be killed on sight?|||No. However, if they discovered your private medical history I fear it would cost you your life. So I wouldn't worry about driving.

edit: Nobody "becomes" a woman. Transsexual people are born with a brain-body mismatch; they don't change genders, they change their bodies to match their genders.

You've already admitted in other questions to being genderqueer (not transsexual). I'm starting to think you just like writing questions to get reactions from people.|||"Transgender" people don't get SRS. Usually only transsexual people do. As a resulkt your question made no sense. When my ISP changed hands my e-mail connection to Yahoo broke. I used to use messaging all the time and now I can't. Sorry.

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|||I'm really sorry that it didn't make sense. I'm not confused or anything, I know the difference between a transsexual and someone who is just transgender, I just didn't know if I was transgender or gender-queer. Sorry for not making it clearer, but your answer really did help, thank you so much.

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|||I'm thinking you probably wouldn't be able to drive|||i am not sure how the saudi's would view your gender...but if they deemed you female...nope. women can't drive cars in that society.|||Most likely the latter.|||You wouldn't be allowed to leave the house without male permission, you wouldn't be allowed to drive, and you wouldn't be allowed to be in public without one of those robe/shawl type-things that cover your body/head/part of your face.

:[|||This is the most bizarre and extreme question on here I've ever seen. If that would be your number one motive for getting SRS then you should rethink your motive =P!|||Well you could not drive and if you had male friends you could not talk or look at them in public or even eat in a restaurant together as man have theirs and women have theirs.They are really closed mind about gays and transgendered and i would feel like a convect in prison living there as you have to cover your heads and bodies and if caught not doing what is the law you could be stoned and maybe killed.It's hard to believe there are still places so behind in the times.I know a wonderful man in Saudi and he is not even allowed to call his girl on the phone and when they found out he did ' they made her marry a man of their choosing.My friend still is heartbroken 2 yrs later.